This week from March 1st through the 4rth we will be engaged in the retreat/intensive “Like a Dragon Returning to the Sky, Like a Tiger Returning to the Mountain.”
I think we can all find the desire to return in ourselves. The desire to return evokes images of rest, peace and perhaps, above all, a sense of self acceptance and belonging.  We sometimes refer to this longing to return home as the practice of returning to the “true self.”
Another way we can frame this intensive’s theme is as escape rather than return: while our map of home may be vague and remote, our feelings of being stranded may be close. Our discomfort can be a reliable guide even if all it’s telling us is to get out of town.
 We will be practicing our methods of escape together  this week – sitting, silence, oral teaching. The Lost Coin Clan is  getting out of town, heading home.
Join us.