
In my reading I come across so many people who thoughtlessly criticize video games as a waste of time.  They’re often all too willing, beer in hand, to watch other people play games and don’t consider that time a waste at all.
Now let’s take a look at this:  when you play a game yourself, either a video game, chess, monopoly, poker, scrabble, anything like that, you’re the one solving the problems.  You’re the one using your mind.  You’re the one focusing.   You’re the one making the efforts.
That’s quite different from watching a game, unless you consider how to open a Bud a major problem solving event.  Well after a few, it probably can be a major problem solving event.
Joking aside, the point is: games are a wonderful way to train for excellence.
Any professional training for performance involves simulation.  Games are simulation.  Games challenge you.  Games develop your emotional and intellectual abilities.
It’s time we stopped old ways of thinking and embraced the new models.
So please, drop the Bud and pass me the game controller.
Games are  experiential.  They train you.  Games and Zen have much in common.
Creative Commons License photo credit: nestor galina