Something New

Something New


A fractal night on my street

Form is exactly emptiness and emptiness is exactly form. This beautiful and difficult life  is enlightenment, the timeless season. Yet historically religious institutions, yes even Buddhism, have separated the two and discouraged the development of our personal lives.

For example, we were told that we should certainly not pay attention to our financial lives as we pursued the spiritual. Strangely enough,  the institutions telling us that owned fabulous amounts of property, the most elaborate real estate ever built in the form of churches and monasteries.   Who was it that was paying for all that?  Guess.
They also made science either criminal (remember Gallileo?) or irrelevant. Scientific thinking was taboo as well.  We have inherited so much of value from Buddhism but as we do with science,  we need to build on what is rational, what is of value and what is provable. In short, Buddhism needs to evolve.
In Lost Coin we want to go forward and make practice really new without discarding the traditional methods.  Our shaky world demands it.  Practice can’t be medieval or superstitious. We need to embrace our world – every inch and moment of it. Mind is Buddha, life is awakening. Every moment of it .
Form is exactly emptiness, emptiness is exactly form. This shore is the other shore.
photo credit: kevin dooleyCreative Commons License



Lost Time

Central to Buddhism and many esoteric traditions is the practice of empowerment. A student or adept must learn to give up their own power, their concepts, ideas and positions in order to be empowered by the lineage. The power of the Dharma is transmitted by the lineage holder – the teacher.
This is a very important practice. When a student instead empowers themselves they are  empowering the ego. This empowers greed, anger and ignorance  In fact, it embraces and supports a kind of weakness that is harmful to oneself and others.  Students, and even teachers who have not been forged by this process manifest this weakness.  They diminish the Dharma.
The true empowerment of the lineage is transcendent. It allows individuals to do what they could not do before for themselves and others. Having left home a long time ago, the adept now truly comes home.
Giving up one’s self power to be empowered by the lineage happens at many steps along the way.  It is very important. Because this is so important to me as a person entrusted to hold the lineage, when I empower my students it will not be based on what they say.  It will be based on what they do which demonstrates what they really value, what effort and sincerity and commitment they bring to the practice: in short who they really are.
Creative Commons License photo credit: h.koppdelaney

The Entrance

The Entrance

Entrance Rietveld Schröder house




Do not practice thinking that realization must become

the object of one’s knowledge and vision and be grasped conceptually.

Eihei Dogen



This is the practice that is beyond Buddhism, Dharmas, time and space. It is the roar of truth.  Only those with great determination and courage can loosen themselves from the shackles of reason and knowing and gain entrance here.


photCreative Commons Licenseo credit: on1stsite.

The Matrix

The Matrix

A Dreamers Travel Destination

We find ourselves in a difficult  situation. We think we are awake, but we are mechanical/asleep. Our behaviors are manipulated  easily: to sell us things, convince us of things.
Our three ways of processing – intellectual, emotional and kinesthetic are mechanical. Input x and the output is y.
The code for our mechanical behaviors and perceptions was written a long time ago. This is so both in our personal lives and in the history of humanty. The interaction of  the intellectual, emotional and kinesthetic perceptions is also mechanical. When we think we are being logical we have usually been hijacked by our negative emotions or our fantasies. Thoughts proceed by themselves as do emotions.
We don’t make conscious choices.
Yes, we are living our life in a Skinner Box.(Or in the Matrix – if you are more familiar with that.)
What’s a poor boy or girl to do?
There is nothing to do when you are in a box or pod dreaming you are awake – except to wake up. To develop consciousness. So first that needs to be understood.
Only then does the hard work begin – and you need a method.

Creative Commons License photo credit: Lucia..

Two Autumns

Two Autumns

Kamarbon, the Forgotten Village

I go,

you stay;

two autumns.




Each of us is our own world.  That world has no edges – it permeates everywhere.

This is enlightenment.

Accepting our aloneness and  responsibility takes courage.

Getting stuck there is narcissism.

Not perceiving our all encompassing aloneness is delusion.

What is like when one is neither stuck in separateness nor aloneness?



Autumn evening,

The fog streams.

No one can grasp it.


Creative Commons License photo credit: Hamed Saber

The Dharma's Open Eye

The Dharma's Open Eye


Painting of Padmasambhava, Guru Rinpoche seated on a moon lotus, with vajra, skullcup, khatvanga staff, blue lotuses, vulture feather hat, 7 robes,Tibetan Thangka, 8th Century Saint, from a shop in Bodha, Kathmandu, Nepal

In speaking of religion we hear the phrase “blind faith”. Having your eyes closed, being deluded, is certainly not a desirable thing. But do we see our own “blind faith”?  Our faith in the material world, the faith we place in what we are taught about achieving happiness in it: the blind simplicity of things we believe.
The Dharma points to our blindness. It speaks to us and says “in your analysis, in your beliefs, have you included the fact that everything changes, that you will grow old and sick and die. That you will lose all you love and that all your explanations for this truth have no foundation or proof whatsoever.
It is for this reason that we must strive to awaken.
Creative Commons License photo credit: Wonderlane

Deep Knowledge

Deep Knowledge


Leaving Yerevan... [Explored]

Until you are willing to be confused about what you already know, what you know will never grow bigger, better, or more useful.
Milton Erickson
This is from my point of view so much the heart of the matter and so well put that there is little I can add to it – other than please keep reading this over and over.
Creative Commons License photo credit:

Sphere of Implication

Sphere of Implication


Creative Commons License photo credit: jenny downing


If we observe our thoughts we can see that they flow from one to another without stop. I would like to look at an aspect of this that I will call the sphere of implication. The sphere of implication is all the ideas, beliefs and world views attached to experience – its meaning. The meaning of an abstraction or a snowflake or a person.
What happens when we remove the sphere of implication and the associated thoughts? You have the thing itself, the basis of reality. You have no eye, ear nose, tongue, body, mind – the ground of being. You have the thing itself, the snowflake itself.
From this basis, this thoughtless truth, the sphere of implication fills the universe – and is nothing but the flowerings of  of the mind. Sphere upon spheres, flowering in the air, flowering through time – endlesslyCreative Commons License

Wonderful snowflakes, they fall nowhere else but here